It’s that time of year folks, the images have been crunched and whittled down to 150 frames. There’s no real formula behind the compilation. Some images stood out the second I took them and straight away I knew that they would feature in this post, some however (like a good CD, I’m thinking Arcade Fire, Funeral!!!) have grown on me over time, they didn’t necessarily grab my attention straight away, but I knew there was something there!! And a few have sneaked into this post right at the death, literally as I did a final skim through the 27’388 images I delivered this year, for no reason other than just liking them myself!!! It only feels like 10 minutes since I was doing the same for 2016, and again, I started the new year thinking “there’s no way this year can beat the last”, I’ve pretty much started every single year with that mindset BTW!!! But in what has been my 5th year as a wedding photographer (still winging it!!!), I’ve realised it’s not about “beating” last year, there were some moments in 2016 that will never be beaten or re-created, but it’s about enjoying the now, and making the most of the moments that happen right in front of me at that very time, whether that be at a wedding or at home. So 2017, you have been all things wonderful and crazy, there have been endless memories made, friendships created, hugs, tears, and laughs; all things that the lost 17 year old in me, trying to figure what on earth to do post-education, never realised was possible from a job!! But this is way more than a job, way way more.
It’s been another amazing year for travel, with weddings in Sicily, Corsica, Cornwall, France, London and Ireland. And the few in Derbyshire weren’t bad either!!!! The diary for 2018 is pretty much already mapped out, I have room for 2 more, but already I can’t wait for what lies ahead. I’ll be making my debuts in Ibiza and Copenhagen next year, along with some amazing venues in France and Italy.
2017 also saw the launch of my solo workshops, which all sold out super quick, but most importantly, no attendees asked for refunds!!! There are plans for a couple more in 2018, but already, I can’t wait to for the first one in London in February. I’m also hugely excited to be speaking at Elevate alongside some incredible talent, not to mention the amazing NineDots Gathering in November, I’m not sure I can even contain my excitement for that one!!
So, that’s about it from me, a final huge thank you to each and every couple who asked me to come along to their wedding this year, I love you all long time!!! I’ll be powering down for a few weeks over Christmas, I need to fatten up for the colder months ahead, and the booze cabinet won’t drink itself!!!!!! To anyone who’s read this far, have a great Christmas and a happy new year, see you on the other side!
Let me be the first to blow smoke up your arse…. Ridiculously good my friend!! Absolutely smashed it. Here’s to 2018!
Truly outstanding selection of images Sam.
Top draw – awesome images as always, never put that camera down!
Ridiculously epic man, outstanding!! Smashed another year dude! My personal favourite? The last frame is hilarious!!
Wow, what an absolute belter of a year!! There’s so many jaw dropping frames and moments in this little glimpse of your 2017 it’s unreal! So inspiring! Absolute pleasure and honour to know you buddy!! Looking forward to hanging out a little more in 2018!
Well holy crabapples. Where do you even start with that one? And to finish on a naked photo, just the absolute icing on the cake my friend. But seriously, your work has that elusive thing known as ‘it’… The absolute je ne sais quoi that we all strive for. Tonally it makes me go weak at the knees, and emotionally it gives me the quivers. Your work is so Sam Docker. Congrats dude. Congrats.
What a collection! Loving the tones, particularly in the colours. The slow shutter wedding breakfast is ace, and love the perspective on the brides exit. That last photo!!
Epic, epic work Sam! What an incredible year you have had!
Holy Sh**balls!! Where’s the picking jaw up from the floor emoji. Steller work as always you handsome devil you!
Super top stuff dude! What a year…SO good! And what amazing party captures you get!!! Just an awesome set, man 🙂
INSANE work mate!!! What a year you’ve had. This is like an all time best of, not just one year. Here’s to 2018!
Damn dude, incredible frames throughout, the light, the framing, the moment, the laughs, the dirty look (what a frame) – what wedding art should be!!
Bravo buddy and have the best 2018
massive love
Absolute stellar year dude!! Contemporary wedding photography at its best, no question.
Moment. Energy. Humour…the holy trinity of wedding photography! Plus those tones SD….so soooo good! I adore so many of them BUT that first image taken from above is world class buddy! I owe you a beardy kiss when I next sees ya x
So cool, epic wrok!
Wow what an awesome collection of images
Sam this is great! keep up the good work!
cray cray! Epic stuff dude. Those tones are so sexy!
What a belter of a year! I’d be happy with that as my lifetime portfolio, maybe one day! Looking forward to hearing you speak at Elevate, hopefully some of that magic might rub off in my direction!
Wow what a fantastic frames Sam. Very inspiring!
Such intensity in so many moments. What a year!
Five years buddy… wow that has flown! Great set, I love the shot from above – totally fearless and such a different perspective, very well seen. 👏
Awesome! Everyframe is a winner! Great stuff as per usual sam. Glad to see the workshops doing well. Take care man.
What a belter of a year!! Hope you have an awesome 2018!!
Beautiful work as always dude. Has a bit of everything.
Loved going though all those Sam – bloody fantastic. Kilt guy for the win!
wow, amazing photography! LOVE that (unforgettable!) shot of the topless kilted guy dancing with the bride (I hope he’s the groom!) Priceless!
Ooooff! What a collection mate. Beautiful stuff, obviously the moments, light and composition are great but the processing is bang on too. Top of your game Dockstar.