Nancarrow Farm Wedding, Cornwall, UK – Katie and Sam

Katie and Sam *scratches head on where to even start with these guys*, so much to talk about……… ok, so it’s not the first wedding I’ve shot for them!!! There, we’re off….. last summer, on a warm Septembers day, I jumped in the car heading for Islington town hall, Katie and Sam were getting married, […]

sparkler shot at wedding

Katie and Sam *scratches head on where to even start with these guys*, so much to talk about……… ok, so it’s not the first wedding I’ve shot for them!!! There, we’re off….. last summer, on a warm Septembers day, I jumped in the car heading for Islington town hall, Katie and Sam were getting married, but this was different, there would only be 6 people; K&S and their parents. Even though this was the legal bit, it was very clear to see from both of them that the “real wedding” would be a Saturday in June down at the amazing Nancarrow Farm in Cornwall. And after hitting google to find out more about the venue, I think I was just excited as they were!!

Following on from the legal bit in Islington, I joined Katie, Sam and their folks for a few drinks and a good chat in a local London bar before they sat down for dinner, and this is where I move onto the next part of my blog write up, and that’s (even though they might think I’m a bit silly saying this) that they’re both a little bit inspiring!! Bear with me on this one, let me give you some background…. so we’re talking and the subject of running came up in the conversation, it led me to proudly tell them about my recent-ish 10k time, which I’ll be honest, felt pretty decent, that was until Katie just casually followed it up by saying they’d both completed Iron-Man Sydney!!!! That’s right, Iron-Man! IRONMAN!!!!! Like it was just a quick dash for the bus!!! If you don’t know, that’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and if that wasn’t enough, a marathon!!! I’ll let that sink in for second….. So yeah, they made me think I can definitely run a bit further and a bit faster, and since then, although a long way short of Iron-man, I’ve run a sub 40 10k, and a half marathon, so thanks guys!! I genuinely have a huge amount of respect for the running and competing they do.

I should probably talk about the wedding!!! Before I do, when Katie and Sam said they would be going for a run early doors on the wedding day, I’m not sure they expected me to run alongside them with 2 cameras for 20 minutes, but there was no way I wasn’t documenting that, so off we went!!!

After a quick re-fresh and kit clean, I headed down to Nancarrow Farm, which is as impressive, if not more, than I’d expected. The rustic barn that holds the ceremony is a thing of beauty indeed! Needless to say, the day was a ridiculous amount of fun, Katie and Sam I’m not sure could have hoped for more. These americans know how to party, am I right?!!!!

nancarrow farm wedding vintage wooden wedding chairs nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding confetti picture nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding wedding sparkler picture nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding sparkler shot at wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm wedding nancarrow farm cornwall


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