Sometimes, just sometimes, words aren’t required. I’m tempted to tell you about how amazing the historic, tucked away, quiet church of Brailsford was, and how the vicar and groom both wanted to carry the bouquet of flowers, and that a tray of champagne got knocked over, and that kids at weddings are mental (in a good way of course, and they know who I’m referring to!!), but I’m not going to do any of that. I’ll just let you know that Katy and Duncan clearly had the day they’d wished for, Duncan even knew how to bust some moves for the first dance!! Well done Duncan!
Katy + Duncan – [Wedding, Osmaston Park]
Sometimes, just sometimes, words aren’t required. I’m tempted to tell you about how amazing the historic, tucked away, quiet church of Brailsford was, and how the vicar and groom both wanted to carry the bouquet of flowers, and that a tray of champagne got knocked over, and that kids at weddings are mental (in a […]

this is great
Thanks a bunch Jon, always nice to get a positive comment from someone who produces work I really admire!!
Love these. The images are great but your PP really makes them sing.