I’m chuffed to bits to have won my 2nd Fearless Photographers award in Collection 24. The shot is one of Emily’s dad delivering his speech, I can still remember and feel the emotion, everybody was transfixed and silent. It’s times like this when you learn as a photographer to keep a camera close to the eye at all times, Emily’s reassuring hand on his shoulder whilst he got a little choked up, only happened for a split second, and I knew the moment I captured it, I’d got something special. To win an award for this shot is a little more icing on an already well iced cake. If you want to see a little more from Emily and Matts big day, just click here…
Fearless Photographers Award – Collection 24
I’m chuffed to bits to have won my 2nd Fearless Photographers award in Collection 24. The shot is one of Emily’s dad delivering his speech, I can still remember and feel the emotion, everybody was transfixed and silent. It’s times like this when you learn as a photographer to keep a camera close to the […]

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