Caroline + Tristan – [Wedding, Bristol] – PART TWO

Ok, let me just make one thing clear, I do not own a giant cardboard cutout of a squirrel!!! Tristan does! If someone had told me on the morning of this wedding that I would be photographing a guest pointing a SNES scope (lads of the age range 25-35 should know what this is) at a giant squirrel, I’d have politely suggested they get checked out by a psychotherapist! This is Part 2 of Caroline and Tristans Arnolfini Wedding.

Giant woodland creatures aside, this is part two of Caroline and Tristans wedding, as though the start of the day shown in PART ONE wasn’t stunning enough, the reception at the Arnolfini gallery was something else. It just so happened to be the first wedding reception the gallery has held, and with a 360 degree view over Bristol from the top floor, I’m pretty sure they’ll have brides fighting over this venue in the coming years!!

A big credit has to go to everyone that chipped in on the Friday, it really did appear to be a great team effort from close friends and family, and I’m sure everyone that sees the images below will agree that it was well worth the shift;

Bristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographyBristol Wedding PhotographerBristol Wedding PhotographerBristol Wedding PhotographerBristol Wedding PhotographerBristol Wedding PhotographerArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolArnolfini Wedding BristolBristol Art Gallery WeddingBristol Art Gallery WeddingBristol Art Gallery WeddingBristol Art Gallery WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol WeddingAlternative Bristol Wedding

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